Jack O’Malley

Position: President

Hometown: Wichita, KS

Major: Organizational Management

Year: Junior

Email: jeomalley@ksu.edu

Jess Barrett

Position: Vice President

Hometown: Stilwell,

Major: Computer Science

Year: Junior

Email: jdbarrett@ksu.edu

Toben Schwarz

Position: Treasurer

Hometown: Abilene, KS

Major: Accounting

Year: Junior

Email: tobens135@ksu.edu

Michael Lackey

Position: Business Manager

Hometown: Highland, KS

Major: Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology, Pre-PT

Year: Junior

Email: mjlackey@ksu.edu

Cooper Sheldon

Position: New Member Educator

Hometown: Holton, KS

Major: Industrial Engineering

Year: Junior

Email: scsheldo@ksu.edu

Isaac Buckingham

Position: New Member Educator

Hometown: Wichita, KS

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Year: Sophomore

Email: itb@ksu.edu

Josh Hildebrand

Position: Scholarship Chair

Hometown: Stafford, KS

Major: Biological Systems Engineering

Year: Sophomore

Email: jhildeb@ksu.edu

Andrew White

Position: Recruitment Chair

Hometown: Ottowa, KS

Major: Marketing

Year: Junior

Email: andrewbwhite@ksu.edu

Luke White

Position: Recruitment Chair

Hometown: Overland Park, KS

Major: Professional Strategic Selling

Year: Sophomore

Email: luke87@ksu.edu

Matthew Hendricks

Position: Alumni Relations

Hometown: Bird City, KS

Major: Agricultural Economics

Year: Freshman

Email: hendricksm@ksu.edu

Sam Keene

Position: Social Chair

Hometown: Andover, KS

Major: Accounting

Year: Sophomore

Email: samkeene@ksu.edu

Diego Hernandez

Position: Risk Management

Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Year: Junior

Email: diegoth@ksu.edu

Brandt Wehkamp

Position: Secretary

Hometown: Wichita, KS

Major: Accounting & Finance

Classification: Freshman

Email: wehkambm@ksu.edu

August Whitman

Position: Community Service and Philanthropy

Hometown: Sullivan, IN

Major: Animal Science

Year: Sophomore

Email: prestondunn@ksu.edu


Tom Smith - tom.smith.ksu@gmail.com

Bob Larson - rlarson@vet.k-state.edu

John Kelley - jmkwellspring@gmail.com